Teach From Home and Get Paid Your Worth

Teach from home and get paid your worth. Set your own schedule and work from the comfort and safety of your own home. We need k-12 teachers for our amazing online Brainfood Academy School. This is the new way of educating our children. And if you are a certified teacher who wants to try something new you can be a part of this! You can put in your information and send your resume here.

teach from home

As our world is ever changing we continue to strive to be “ahead of the game.” Also, you will be teaching what you are certified and educated to teach. The grade(s) and subject(s). No expecting to indoctrinate or brainwash our children. We are looking for teachers that teach facts as well teach our kids how to think for themselves. They will be able to form their own opinions and learn how to express them respectfully, but without fear.

  • We love and respect our teachers so much here at Brainfood Academy. You won’t be hit, kicked, punched or spit at by students here. Yes, you will still get to have interactions with students. However, it will all be from the comfort and safety of your home. And we do not expect our teachers to just put up with unruly behavior as is unfortunately the case in too many brick and mortar schools today.
  • You won’t be reprimanded here for teaching facts. So often now in the US teachers are told what they can and cannot teach. It is appalling that basic science and language arts teachers are now being told in many of our schools to teach “hogwash.” We won’t ask you to teach students things that go against basic math and science. And we don’t expect language arts teachers to make a “mockery of pronouns” or completely change the English language that we are used to, ect….
  • We believe teachers should be compensated well. Here at Brainfood Academy, we have an incredible pay structure for our teachers in place! There are great opportunities to teach and get paid your worth for it. And the more you get involved with us, the more you will get shape our future leaders. All while being compensated for your work. Also, we have lots of other opportunities as well!

So often I am hearing and seeing crazy stuff about what teachers go through. Many of you here in our US Public School system are expected to continually be abused. However, that is not right. I get it. You went into teaching because you really like kids and/or youth, right? But, maybe you didn’t expect to give up safety and “peace of mind.”

We are looking for expert teachers for our Brainfood Academy. Maybe you were a teacher and resigned because you were afraid for you life or well being? I think it is crazy that today many people think teachers are supposed to allow students to bite, kick or hit them. What, crazy? Thankfully, it isn’t all schools, but it is too many from what I have seen.

Or You are working Fulltime Right Now, but want to teach from home and get paid your worth. But you just aren’t feeling the “traditional” 8 to 3 or 4 schedule. Maybe you want or need something different. Brainfood Academy is a great solution. Not only for our students, but for k-12 teachers as well.

  • Firstly, you will want to check out our school at brainfoodacademy.com. This way you can see the grades, classes, ect…..but even if you don’t happen to see a subject you want to teach still feel free to apply. Because we are looking to add new subjects all the time.
  • Secondly, simply click right here. You can then put in your information and upload your resume. Make sure you have your references on your resume. And put down Tracy Stavick as the person who referred you. Also, please feel free to register to contact via the form on the right. Or you are welcome to contact me with questions as well. If you aren’t sure on how to do that just register on the right.
  • Thirdly, our awesome Brainfood Academy Administrator will be in touch with you to set up an interview. We are so excited that we can not only provide an awesome homeschool alternate to our kids. But also found a way for you teachers to use your amazing skills in a way that allows for you to teach and get paid your worth. While still providing that quality education you wanted to provide to our youth.

Welcome aboard! And we are looking forward to getting to know you and have you help us educated so many of our children through even better education than ever before! Once you join us you will be a part of something incredibly amazing! We can’t wait to meet you.

We love to share our treasures with everyone we can, so be sure to Contact Us! And we will add you into our Awesome Online Community with exuberant Joy! Check Out How to Contact Us Here: