Protein Popcorn You Just Can’t Beat

Healthy Snacking is finally possible through protein popcorn you just can’t beat!!! If you are anything like me you probably Love to eat! Of course I am also overweight! And I definitely do NOT get enough protein in my diet. Well, since I have had to give up gluten I have been doing a little better. But I do Love Popcorn, which is a gluten free whole grain. However, it still doesn’t give me the protein I need. Who wants to cook all the time? My lifestyle is so busy. And I am sure yours is too. Even if you do enjoy cooking, sometimes our busy lifestyles just call for a quick meal or snack.

I already eat a lot of popcorn, sometimes in place of where I should really have a full meal. But let’s face it. We all know that popcorn, as delicious as it is, is not usually a very satisfying meal replacement. And then we are eating WAY more of it than we should to feel full. But we found another Amazing Treasure! Here we have an incredible meal or snack that is truly quick and easy! Not only is this snack filling, but it is also Keto friendly and much lower in carbs and sodium than other popcorn snacks.

Keep the Hangry Monster at Bay!

protein popcorn

With three kids who are involved in multiple activities I barely have time to breathe, let alone cook. Sometimes I have to eat on the go. With my health I cannot just skip meals because I can get very sick if I don’t eat sometimes. Even if I don’t get sick I can definitely get Hangry. Who else can relate?  

Did I mention that my kids can also sometimes be picky eaters? “Mom, I’m hungry?” What Parent hasn’t heard this a million times? And of course we always have a nice fresh, very nutritious snack with us all the time, correct? Yeah, don’t feel bad. I don’t actually have nutritious snacks with me for myself or my kids all the time either. In fact, I don’t most of the time. Usually when I bring snacks along it is junk food. Now I actually can bring along a delicious food that my kids and I both love: Protein Popcorn You Just Can’t Beat!

Replace the Fast Food with Protein Popcorn

Little League, Basketball practice, and ballet. Your High Schooler has basketball practice every evening after school. Another one has Little League two times a week. And the Youngest has ballet the other two days. I can soo relate! And I am for sure guilty of doing the Fast Food thing more than one night a week. And while they may get their protein, it is definitely not the healthiest option. Not always the cheapest option either.

Personally, I have been looking for something like this snack for a very long time! Something that is super quick and easy that can easily be eaten in the car without making a huge mess and without needing to bring along extra napkins and plastic silverware. This is protein popcorn that comes in various flavors so even though it is all popcorn we can have a little variety on that rush between swim team practice and the Orchestra concert or the Scout meeting. All the flavors are delicious!

Keto Friendly Protein Popcorn!

Yes, you did read that correctly! For anyone following a Keto diet this is Protein popcorn that you can actually eat! I don’t follow a strict Keto diet. But I do try to eat healthy and have made some Keto meals. However, I also like quick, easy and convenient! This is it!!! We have found Yummy Keto friendly Protein Popcorn! It is already popped for you and ready to eat!

On top of being Keto Friendly, this Protein Popcorn also beats out the other “healthy alternative” popcorn brands when it comes to comparing macros, calories, sugar, and sodium levels. This truly is Protein Popcorn You Just Can’t Beat!

No Kernels in this Protein Popcorn?

Some of us have noticed and are all excited about the fact that there are like no kernels left in the bag. That is pretty cool! But how can this be? Well, it is kettle popped instead of air popped. And these are very reasonably sized bags. Ever feel like if you have to have a “snack” because you just don’t have time for a full meal that you are still feeling hungry after said “snack.” Yeah, I feel that too! Due to the protein in this popcorn you will feel satisfied from just one bag! And it is delicious on top of it!

Have a Healthy Snack for Family Movie Night

Now the whole Family can enjoy Popcorn during movie Night! Even the Keto Friendly family members! And if you yourself are doing a Completely Keto Lifestyle, but your kids are always begging for Popcorn here you go!

This is truly a Treasure! Popcorn is often one of my go to snacks. Thankfully most popcorn is gluten free. But it is usually also full of carbs and other stuff that probably isn’t the best for those of us trying to lose weight and keep it off. Well, if you are like me those carbs that give you a temporary boost of energy are a “go to” snack. However it is better for us grown ups to get our energy from protein. We have the answer here with this Protein Popcorn that you just can’t beat!