Brainfood is the Best Homeschool Program Treasure

Brainfood is the best homeschool program treasure! This is finally a solution to challenges faced by many parents and students. Unlike traditional homeschooling, the parent doesn’t have to be the teacher. Many parents would prefer to homeschool, but choose not to for a variety of reasons. Then of course there are other parents that never thought of schooling being direct to the home with professionally qualified teachers as a valid solution. Until this year that was pretty much the case. But not anymore.

Roadblocks that keep Parents from Homeschooling:

  • Lack of proper education, certification and training. Many parents simply don’t trust themselves to teach their children correctly. And let’s face it none of us want to have our children lag behind. Along with this some parents may have the qualifications, but simply lack the confidence. And we all know our children notice when we are not confident.
  • Should a Parent be their own children’s school teacher? Now I am a pretty good mom. Not perfect by any means, but pretty good. However, when Covid hit and my children were forced to go online with their learning, the responsibility of making sure my daughters did their school work was mostly put on me. And with two out of my three daughters getting them to do that school work was a major challenge. I think pulling teeth would have been easier and I actually have some education background. But I don’t know anything about dentistry.
  • Sometimes children are just simply more likely to learn from someone other than mom and dad. Some parents are just natural teachers. And many can teach their own children just fine. But then there are those of us who love our children. But we would rather stick a needle in our eye than attempt to get our own offspring to do algebra, geometry, or even fun classes. Like PE, music, or “library.” We have the solution. Children can now enjoy learning from the comfort of home under parental supervision. But with actual certified school teachers other than mom or dad.
  • Time Constraints: Anyone who parents or works as a teacher doesn’t really need to be told this. But I’m gonna say it anyway. Parenting and school teaching are both overtime jobs. And with many parents working away from home (or even from home) to pay the bills they simply don’t have time to homeschool their kids. We have found a better way!

What are the Advantages of Brainfood the best homeschool program (or direct to the home education) for our children and youth?

brainfood best homeschool program
  • Much Better Schedule than a more “traditional” k-12 school setting: There is actual scientific research that shows many elementary to High School age students do NOT do as well on school in the early mornings. Yet most elementary and High Schools in the US start before 9 am. Not to mention commute or bus riding time that can be eliminated with the Brainfood education solution.
  • Students and their parents can choose their teachers. And thankfully from anywhere. Isn’t it awesome that a teacher in Miami, Florida who is relatable to a student in Billings, Montana can teach them, for example?
  • Travel Options other than just 2.5 months out of the year: Where we currently live my husband is a seasonal worker so family vacations in the summer time are not really an option for us. And some families would rather travel to see family or for vacation at a time other than June, July, or August. And there wouldn’t be anything wrong with this. Except that the kids miss some school. With this online solution now they can easily still attend class or make it up quicker and easier.

Worried about Funding? This is an actual certified Private School just directly to the home (or anywhere your child happens to be at). So Funding Sources are available!

With this k-12 education solution you can apply for any available funding your state may have to assist with education. This is also a private school at an extremely great value as is much lower cost than most “brick and mortar” private schools. Brainfood is the best homeschool program treasure. Also, as soon as your child(ren) are enrolled in the program there will be information made available about various funding sources.

Also for a Private School this is low cost compared to Many others.

Here are the cost breakdowns for our best homeschool program (direct to your home) private school solution:

  • Kindergarten is FREE!!!
  • Any parent can sign up here to check out the curriculum ahead of time for Free aslo!
  • Curriculum is only $99.00 per month for up to ten students in the same household.
  • 1st to 8th grade is $109.00 per month per student
  • 9th to 12th grade is $129.00 per month per student

Brainfood the best homeschool program (or Direct to the Home) is a great solution for many families!

How many people do you know that are in the military? Think about it. I know quite a few. A couple of my nieces and a nephew had to attend different schools on military bases in the past until their mother decided to homeschool them for a while. When children are constantly having to move schools because of a parent being in the military it can be hard. Now there is a solution where that military person’s US citizen child can get a quality education without having to change schools. Even if they move bases in the middle of the “school year.”

More and more people are living “on the road” nowadays. This sure does help military families, but it isn’t just for them. Missionary kids, pastor’s kids, even truck driver’s kids. Yes, I know many truck drivers still don’t drag the whole family with them. But this could provide that as an option. Also, some of the Youtube videos I like to watch are of families doing full time RV living. Now, I know that lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but NOT all families that do that have certified teacher as a parent. Here is a schooling option for full time travelers with kids!

Ok, so not all families travel all the time.

But many of you still wish your kid could be educated at home. As parents although we know we can’t lock our kids in “a plastic bubble” we do want to know what they are being taught in school. This Brainfood solution allows for complete transparency even as your child learns from other teachers. Even though most parents don’t have the time to sit and listen in or even necessarily always “check in” during the classes, the classes are recorded. I see this as having at least two advantages.

  1. The student can access the class at a different time if they missed it for any variety of reasons:
    • kid didn’t feel well or was in the restroom to long
    • maybe it was a morning class the child overslept
    • dentist (or other type of) appointment during the regular class time. Your student can watch the recording of that class when he or she gets home from that appointment
    • Sports or Extra curricular event during regular class time. Speaking of which, as brainfood continues to grow we will add in more opportunities for extra-curriculars, and socialization of students.
  2. The Parent can watch recordings as well and know exactly what your child is being taught and how it is being taught.

Join us on Wednesday evenings to learn even more about Brainfood the Best Home School (Direct to the Home) Program Treasure

  • We enjoy bringing this to families on Wednesday evenings in our global zoom Room with meeting id of 267 159 642.
  • Alternate Access Location on YouTUBE. See the Channel Here. Access recordings and updates as well. Should the Global Zoom Room be FULL. Go to YouTUBE Channel to access the Live Broadcast of the Wednesday Zoom Information Training.
  • WHEN: Wednesday Nights. 5:30pm PST / 6:30pm MST / 7:30pm CST / 8:30pm EST / 9:30pm AST. Because this is Global, we will be adding additional meeting times in the near future.