Fine Wines are True Treasures

We used to have to leave our homes in order to get any type of wine, but especially fine wines. Fine wines are True Treasures that people used to have to travel, sometimes even for miles, in order to get a hold of. No longer do we have to do this. Now you can get Premium wines delivered right to you! Have them delivered to your main home address, a vacation home, hotel room or even a friend’s house. Did I mention that these genuine Fine Wines are True Treasures that you won’t find in stores?

Watch the following video to find out how you can be a part of our awesome wine of the month club!

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Why Fine Wines are True Treasures?

Wine has all kinds of great benefits, and it is a gift that can be shared with just about anyone. I call Fine Wines True Treasures because they have been around since time began and are an amazing additive to all kinds of things in life. Wine is versatile as it can be enjoyed almost anywhere, by oneself or with the company of others, whether it is simply one other person or a group event.


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The wines we have here are the Best wines in the world! They are made by experts in the vineyards of Sonoma and Napa Valleys. Some of these experts are third and fourth generation wine makers. They know what they are doing. Time and care are put into to the time honored traditions of making this wine. Although it is a process these wine makers thoroughly enjoy what they do, but their favorite part is when the wine is ready to be shared with the world. Rest assured, they will NOT share the wine until it is ready! There is a whole team working together to make sure that you get excellent quality and only the best of the best in true fine wines.

Education is Awesome!

Whether you are new to wine or already an expert when you join our Wine of the Month Club you get a fantastic experience of Wine Magic is Powerful! If you already know a lot about wine then this is the place for you. You will also learn even more and more about the fun of and with wine. The wines from Sonoma and Napa valley are phenomenal wines. Don’t know the difference yet between these wines (which you can only get here through an ambassador) and what local stores call wine? That is fine too: you are in a perfect place to learn about it and have fun while you’re learning.

Can’t Decide? That’s OK

It doesn’t matter if you prefer red wine or white wine, sweet wine or a more tart flavor: we have it all! Maybe a great white wine for sharing when your in-laws come over for dinner and a nice Red when you’re spending time in that private Travel for less Hotel Jacuzzi you booked.

The Romance of it All

Whether on a first date or celebrating an anniversary with someone you have been with for years, wine is a perfect romantic addition along with that candle light dinner and some chocolates. Although any wine may work, an authentic fine wine will make the romance even more magical. Sign up here. You will not regret it.

Already a wine cynosure? Awesome! You can become part of our GrandCru and get to attend the GrandCru events. At these events you get to thoroughly enjoy experiences at the vineyards where these Fine Wines that are Powerful are actually made.

Again, Fine Wines are true treasures. You CANNOT get genuine fine wine at your local grocery and liquor stores. These Fine Wines are amazing to share with friends and family. They are NOT shipped until they are good and ready. The people making these fine wines know what they are doing and do NOT put preservatives or other fake ingredients in their wines.