Gut Health with byom

Gut health with byom is an incredible help to aid with digestion and the processes of the “second brain” in our bodies. See how amazing this is right here!

Byom is Amazing for what many of us call our “Second Brain”-the Gut and Digestive System!

Many people suffer from problems with our digestive system. I have read and heard about the “gut” being called our 2nd brain. And from my experiences in life this makes a lot of sense to me. There are many medical diagnosis pertaining to the “gut” or digestive system. Regardless of whether you have an official diagnosis or not anyone who has had problems in this area knows what I am talking about. Our scientists have created something amazing for these issues. We call it byom!

Our gut has a nervous system all of its own. And it uses the same cells and chemicals that our brain in our head does. This system is called the Enteric Nervous System (or ENS). I am not a medical professional, nor do I pretend to be. But I have had plenty of NOT so pleasant experiences pertaining to my digestive system. Scientists have developed this awesome byom in order to help some of us with such horrible digestive issues as the following….

  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Acid Reflux
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Stomach aches
  • Nausea and Vomiting

This is just to name a few. Of course there are plenty more. Because I suffer from some of the above mentioned ailments myself I am very excited about this product! Thankfully I have never had neurological problems, but the Gut being called the “second brain” makes perfect sense to me. Why? Because there is so much that goes on inside of us that we aren’t even aware of when it comes to digesting our food and beverages. And even more. From my own experiences I can tell you that NOT having a healthy digestive system can significantly decrease one’s quality of life.

So Why do we call it Byom (pronounced bai-owm as in the English word “biome”?

Well because….and this may be an unpleasant thought to some. But our digestive system is a actually a habitat (or biome) for several living bacteria and fungi. Most of us probably think that is a bad thing. And some of those little guys are bad for us. But we also have helpful bacteria inside our digestive tract, stomach and intestines. Byom helps us to get the right soldiers inside our bodies. The good ones that help us digest our food properly.

Do you ever just crave a certain food or drink? Some scientists and medical professional believe that our bodies communicate with us when we are lacking certain nutrients. Just like our nervous system tells our brain when something is wrong. So wouldn’t it make sense then; that if our nerves tell our brain to use our arm muscles to pull back from a hot stove. That perhaps also the nervous system inside our “gut” would do the same. And also communicate deficiencies.

I used to get sick ALL THE TIME. Unfortunately, I still get sick more often than I want to. Maybe you or someone you know also has the same problem. It isn’t always easy to take care of ourselves properly when we feel well. Let alone when we aren’t feeling our best. When you think about it the digestive system is pretty incredible. Not only is it our “2nd brain.” But, some say it also houses like a secondary Immune system. Because if they are harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi inside that system there has to be enough of the good ones to flush those “bad guys” out.

So if we can do something to improve our “second brain” shouldn’t we do it? Of course we should! And Byom has helped many of us do just that!

This is just one of the incredible biohacking snaps we love to share about. See more on the other five biohacking helps we have here.