Coffee at its Best

We hear it and see it all the time in some variation or another. “Don’t talk to me until I have I had my morning cup of coffee.” You know those Facebook memes that say something like “If you want to live make sure I have my coffee, ect.” Some people just can’t start the day out right without that cup of coffee. But do you sometimes have trouble keeping going even with the coffee? Well, now one can truly have Coffee at its Best with plos thermo. This is just the creamer you need to get going and start your day out right!

Lose Weight with Coffee at its Best

Add plôs thermo to your daily cup of coffee or any favorite caffeinated drink of your choice to lose even more weight. This is a creamer you simply add to what you already drink! It can be added to hot or cold drinks. Believe it or not I know some non coffee drinkers (Please don’t fall over in your chair, but yes, it’s true-I know I am rare, but I don’t drink coffee. Yet I realize that most people do.) Anyway, if you happen to be like me, and Enjoy all kinds of other drinks (just not coffee) don’t worry because you can still use this awesome treasure! Add the plos thermo to any favorite drink of yours. It can be a hot or cold beverage-doesn’t matter. Just a few more benefits of this is that it is non dairy, does not contain any caffeine, and yet still will help you gain energy and lose weight. Isn’t that Amazingly Awesome?!

Some of us want to have a life and enjoy it without having to constantly count calories, watch EVERYTHING we eat (and drink), and exercise vigorously all the time. Some scientists have found this amazing solution. I have seen first hand what this amazing coffee (or any caffeinated beverage) additive can do. Friends of mine began losing inches almost right away and it didn’t take long for shirt sizes to go down as well!

Here is the Solution

coffee and wine

Plos thermo in your coffee. Wake up and face the day by adding that Plos thermo to that cup of Joe (or if you don’t drink coffee, add it to another beverage of your choice.) No more wasting time on pointless things like dieting, measuring nonstop, counting calories and joining all kinds of exercise programs. I, personally, consider the word “diet” a cuss word. (Sorry for swearing here…). Anyway, technically not all definitions of “diet are “evil,” but the way most of us use the word nowadays relates to the definition where “… restricts oneself….”(source is from certain foods. Truly enjoying life can be difficult when we do too much of that. 

Stop wasting Time and Energy on Useless

In the past, I have tried all kinds of ways to lose weight and get in healthier shape. Counting calories was futile because I would only feel like I ate enough if I went over my recommended calorie count. The foods I really enjoyed would also cause me to go over my calorie count in a hurry. Also, measuring took so much time and energy it wasn’t even funny. I mean, yes there are times when measuring with your Cooking and Food is important, but measuring to maintain perfect Portion control? Yuck. Not being able to enjoy foods and drinks everyone else is at a Party? Also Yuck. With plos thermo added to our beverage of choice Now we can lose weight easier without wasting time and energy on useless calorie counting and portion control measuring.

Exercise for Fun, not out of Obligation

Personally, I love swimming, but I don’t have my own pool yet so I don’t do that daily either. So, yes, keep exercising, but do it for Fun, NOT just to lose weight. Swimming, Dancing and Going for walks are my “go to” exercises because they are fun, enjoyable activities. However, I don’t participate in such activities for the sole purpose of losing weight. Sure, if I do enough of a combination I should lose the pounds, but that should NOT be my primary motivation for engaging in such activities. 

We should participate in “exercising” because we enjoy those activities, NOT out of some sense of obligation. Yet, even enjoyable activities can be difficult if we lack the proper energy and stamina. Did I mention I love swimming? But swimming takes a Whole lot of strength and energy. And although the swimming alone is an excellent cardio work out that enhances strength and stamina, one Must first have the stamina to do the swimming. Plos Thermo in combination with Bran can help us have the energy and stamina to participate in those wonderful life activities, such as swimming.

Lose weight and keep it off on the regular on the weeks we are active or sedative. I mean, some weeks we are just going to be more sedative than other weeks, and we don’t want to gain back all the weight because of this, right? Allow this super fantastic treasure to do what is meant to where you lose the weight and keep it off!

Check out even More….

Plos Thermo is an amazing product which will give you your Coffee at it’s Best, but it isn’t all we have to offer. Check out Biohacking to Fuel the Body to see our other incredible Treasures for Health and Fitness as well.

And did someone mention the great health benefits of wine? Yes, that’s right, true fine wines have wonderful health benefits of their own!