BioHacking to Fuel the Body

We maintain our cars and houses, but how many of us properly maintain our bodies and brains? Yeah sure, we try, but challenges pop up along the way. Now due to scientific breakthroughs in BioHacking to Fuel the Body Systems, we can improve ourselves! We have all kinds of awesome products to help us out with this today.

Focus and concentrate better during the day. Have the energy you need to get through the day without “dragging” along, and even lose weight while you sleep. The products are sweet BioHacking to Fuel the Body Systems!

There is so much “junk” out there. Eating we must to have energy, but so much of our food is processed with unhealthy ingredients that do NOT do anything to help us lose weight and often even cause us to add those pounds back on. And talk about having no energy, Ugh. I, personally know what it feels like to NEED food, like RIGHT NOW, but then you eat, you get energy for maybe half hour, or if you’re lucky, maybe an hour or so and feel you gotta eat again, right? But what if I told you there is something out there that can actually help us solve these problems much easier. Thanks to Biohacking Fueling Body Systems now we can have help losing weight, sleeping better, and having the energy we need to get things done!

Get Health and Energy by BioHacking to Fuel the Body. We have six incredible products to help us. Keep on reading to learn even more….

Sick and tired of health problems and NO Energy? Tired of NOT being able to reach down to tie those shoes because a big FAT belly is in the way? Tired of NEVER getting a good night’s sleep? Scientists have discovered the miraculous ways of Biohacking to help us enhance our energy, provide Brainpower, and lose weight while we eat, play, and YES, EVEN WHEN WE SLEEP!!!

Bran has given many incredible energy and Stamina! Welcome in Brain Rev Up the Power.

Start Concentrating better today by giving your brain the nutrients it needs!

The brain is literally the engine to our body. Although it is a small part of our body we Need it to use other parts of the body. Unfortunately, for many of us our brain doesn’t always function at 100 percent (or even necessarily 75 percent) efficiency, but we NEED this engine to work properly if we don’t want to suffer, right?

Do you experience brain fog? I know I sure do. We have a product to assist with that! It is called Bran (long a pronunciation sound as in the English word “brain”). It literally feeds your brain to help you focus better and boost your mental energy. Perhaps you already have plenty of energy. Some people do, but guess what? This wonderful product does more than just boost energy. It helps one focus better, be more productive overall and boost your mood.

So What Can We do Then?

We MUST take care of our brain. I mean all we have to do is the following…..

  1. Eat 100 percent healthy 100 percent of the time.
  2. Get the EXACT right amount of exercise ALL OF THE TIME.
  3. Get the EXACT right amount of sleep (NOT too much though, but just enough….)
  4. And so and so on…..

Easy Right? Yeah, I don’t Agree Either.

Thankfully now we have Biohacking to Fuel the Body, including the lovely engine that is our Brain! Scientists have now taken real ingredients from various nutritious foods to create a generous treasure we can consume. This treasure has been name Bran Reimagined by intelligent scientists who also realize how much of a struggle it can be to balance life. Because of these Biohacking treasures we can STOP totally obsessing about doing everything 100 percent right health wise. Don’t take me the wrong way here, still exercise and eat nutritious meals, but use Bran to enhance those experiences. Also, with Bran Reimagined you won’t have to obsess about getting that “diet” and exercise right so much that you stop enjoying life. (“Diet” is in quotations because I personally think it should be considered a swear word. I mean, eat healthy yes, but “diets” NEVER work cuz who can stick to them indefinitely, right?)

Nowadays there are more and more people suffering from poor mental health. Anxiety and depression are high, but this product can help you to think positively and start enjoying life again as well as improve your mood. Some of us have tried all sorts of things from home remedies to expensive prescription medications, but many are having success with Bran so go ahead and give this a try.

Byom is Amazing for what many of us call our “Second Brain”-the Gut and Digestive System!

Many people suffer from problems with our digestive system. I have read and heard about the “gut” being called our 2nd brain. And from my experiences in life this makes a lot of sense to me. There are many medical diagnosis pertaining to the “gut” or digestive system. Regardless of whether you have an official diagnosis or not anyone who has had problems in this area knows what I am talking about. Our scientists have created something amazing for these issues. We call it byom!

Our gut has a nervous system all of its own. And it uses the same cells and chemicals that our brain in our head does. This system is called the Enteric Nervous System (or ENS). I am not a medical professional, nor do I pretend to be. But I have had plenty of NOT so pleasant experiences pertaining to my digestive system. Scientists have developed this awesome byom in order to help some of us with such horrible digestive issues as the following….

  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Acid Reflux
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Stomach aches
  • Nausea and Vomiting

This is just to name a few. Of course there are plenty more. Because I suffer from some of the above mentioned ailments myself I am very excited about this product! Thankfully I have never had neurological problems, but the Gut being called the “second brain” makes perfect sense to me. Why? Because there is so much that goes on inside of us that we aren’t even aware of when it comes to digesting our food and beverages. And even more. From my own experiences I can tell you that NOT having a healthy digestive system can significantly decrease one’s quality of life.

So Why do we call it Byom (pronounced bai-owm as in the English word “biome”?

Well because….and this may be an unpleasant thought to some. But our digestive system is a actually a habitat (or biome) for several living bacteria and fungi. Most of us probably think that is a bad thing. And some of those little guys are bad for us. But we also have helpful bacteria inside our digestive tract, stomach and intestines. Byom helps us to get the right soldiers inside our bodies. The good ones that help us digest our food properly.

Do you ever just crave a certain food or drink? Some scientists and medical professional believe that our bodies communicate with us when we are lacking certain nutrients. Just like our nervous system tells our brain when something is wrong. So wouldn’t it make sense then; that if our nerves tell our brain to use our arm muscles to pull back from a hot stove. That perhaps also the nervous system inside our “gut” would do the same. And also communicate deficiencies.

I used to get sick ALL THE TIME. Unfortunately, I still get sick more often than I want to. Maybe you or someone you know also has the same problem. It isn’t always easy to take care of ourselves properly when we feel well. Let alone when we aren’t feeling our best. When you think about it the digestive system is pretty incredible. Not only is it our “2nd brain.” But, some say it also houses like a secondary Immune system. Because if they are harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi inside that system there has to be enough of the good ones to flush those “bad guys” out.

So if we can do something to improve our “second brain” shouldn’t we do it? Of course we should! And Byom has helped many of us do just that!

Plos Thermo has been incredible in many of my friends’ journeys in life. It has helped Rory and others with both energy and weight loss! So if Coffee itself is NOT enough to keep you fueled check this out!

Sure coffee is Great…..but is it Enough

We hear it and see it all the time in some variation or another. “Don’t talk to me until I have I had my morning cup of coffee.” You know those Facebook memes that say something like “If you want to live make sure I have my coffee, ect.” Some people just can’t start the day out right without that cup of coffee. But do you sometimes have trouble keeping going even with the coffee? Well, now one can truly have Coffee at its Best with plos thermo. This is just the creamer you need to get going and start your day out right!

Lose Weight with Coffee at its Best

Add plôs thermo to your daily cup of coffee or any favorite caffeinated drink of your choice to lose even more weight. This is a creamer you simply add to what you already drink! It can be added to hot or cold drinks. Believe it or not I know some non coffee drinkers (Please don’t fall over in your chair, but yes, it’s true-I know I am rare, but I don’t drink coffee. Yet I realize that most people do.) Anyway, if you happen to be like me, and Enjoy all kinds of other drinks (just not coffee) don’t worry because you can still use this awesome treasure! Add the plos thermo to any favorite drink of yours. It can be a hot or cold beverage-doesn’t matter. Just a few more benefits of this is that it is non dairy, does not contain any caffeine, and yet still will help you gain energy and lose weight. Isn’t that Amazingly Awesome?!

Some of us want to have a life and enjoy it without having to constantly count calories, watch EVERYTHING we eat (and drink), and exercise vigorously all the time. Some scientists have found this amazing solution. I have seen first hand what this amazing coffee (or any caffeinated beverage) additive can do. Friends of mine began losing inches almost right away and it didn’t take long for shirt sizes to go down as well!

Here is the Solution

coffee and wine

Plos thermo in your coffee. Wake up and face the day by adding that Plos thermo to that cup of Joe (or if you don’t drink coffee, add it to another beverage of your choice.) No more wasting time on pointless things like dieting, measuring nonstop, counting calories and joining all kinds of exercise programs.  I, personally, consider the word “diet” a cuss word. (Sorry for swearing here…). Anyway, technically not all definitions of “diet are “evil,” but the way most of us use the word nowadays relates to the definition where “… restricts oneself….”(source is from certain foods. Truly enjoying life can be difficult when we do too much of that.

Add plôs thermo to your daily cup of coffee or any favorite drink of your choice to lose even more weight. This is a creamer you simply add to what you already drink! It can be added to hot or cold drinks and is non-dairy.

This pros thermo product has already worked for others. Some of us want to have a life and enjoy it without having to constantly count calories, watch EVERYTHING we eat (and drink), and exercise vigorously all the time. Some scientists have found this amazing solution.

Tuun Resonate is a Must Have in this day and age.

We live in a world full of Digital Technology. And that is NOT going to change any time soon. So we need to keep ourselves and our bodies own frequencies in check. That way we can use technology to our advantage. Yet stomp out the horrible side effects that come with “overuse” of our mobile devices!

See more about this awesome Tuun here!

There is a slew of electromagnetic radiation all around us. It is both natural and man made. Did you know that our bodies have frequencies just like computers do? We all use computers because they are supposed to make our lives easier, right? But what are the costs to our health? Just about all our cool gizmos and gadgets emit radiation. Of Course, it is cool cuz so do we. Yeah, but it ain’t quite so simple.

Electromagnetic Frequencies are actually natural occurrences. Most of us are aware that too much radiation is bad for us. And we kind of “jump out of our skin” at just the thought of being exposed to this radiation. Let’s talk about what exactly radiation is as it is produced both in nature and from manmade items, like our cell phones. And then we will dive into why even low levels of radiation over time may be bad for us and how we can protect ourselves from this.

What is Radiation Anyway and How is it Produced?

Radiation is a source of energy that travels at the speed of light. And it has an electromagnetic field. Our human bodies even give off radiation. So Radiation is Not All bad, but too much of it can be. Balance is key. Natural Radiation is all around us. Most of us are aware that the sun produces it! But, we human beings also produce it. The earth’s atmosphere and core emit radiation too. And Even Rocks under pressure produce radiation.  

One of my favorite words today is “balance.” Why? Because there seems to be so little of it in everything, including Politics and Religion. But also in Science. Something most of us probably don’t think about much is the electromagnetic fields that are all around us. These electromagnetic fields come from both natural and man-made sources.

Natural vs Manmade Radiation 

Electromagnetic Radiation is all around us and it has been since the beginning of time. Even before we humans invented things like television sets, there have always been these electromagnetic frequencies.  The thing is, although natural elements can also produce radiation that can harm us, nature has a way of counteracting this so there is balance in order for us living organisms to not be harmed. 

As humans, we are always looking for ways to make our lives easier. We use things like computers for this. Unfortunately, sometimes what we create to make our lives easier also brings other disadvantages. But of course that doesn’t stop us. We press on and find solutions to these problems!

Man Made devices like our computers, cell phones, television sets, tablets, and our vehicles all emit radiation.  Most of these incredible devices only emit low levels of radiation. But just think about how many of these modern day conveniences we use on a regular basis. And all the “low levels” of radiation we are exposed to through our use of these “computers” adds up. I, myself, on a daily basis, use at least one PC, one or two cell phones, a modern day van, and one or two television sets. And if I am being truly honest that only scratches the service of the man made devices that I use daily, which all emit radiation.

Problems That May Arise From Even Low Levels of Radiation

It isn’t just your computer either. Our vehicles, cellphones, TVs and tablets all emit radiation. Although it may not be enough to make us quickly turn into hideous looking monsters like in the movies, it is still there. And all that radiation from our man-made devices could be causing negative effects on our minds and bodies.

Most of us are aware that high frequencies of radiation can cause irreversible cell damage. This is because it pulls atoms apart. But even low levels of radiation cause changes to the cells inside our body. For most of us these changes are so gradual that we barely notice side effects. Or do we experience those side effects, but they are so minimal that we write them off?

If it isn’t Harming me Now Why Care?

Here are some possible side effects to long term exposure to low level radiation:

  1. Sleep Disturbances, such as insomnia 
  2. Headaches
  3. Fatigue and feeling tired
  4. Lack of Concentration
  5. Memory Loss
  6. Dizziness
  7. And even a painful, itchy sensation known as dysesthesia

These side effects could simply be a result of using things like our TVs and cellphones regularly. We really do need to protect ourselves from this. Our scientists created Tuun Resonate to help us do just that!

Uuth is here to help You Not Only Look Younger, but feel younger too!

Many spend much time, energy, and money on products for youth. Guess what scientists have found now? That’s right: another incredible treasure!

Scientists have created something that will help with strength, stamina, and just plain feeling better. Uuth is a product that helps with all of the above while at the same time helping your hair, nails, and skin to look younger. I mean who doesn’t want healthy skin, right? The skin is the organ that protects the rest of our vital organs so by keeping our skin youthful we only help it to do its job even better. And hair and Nails healthy and youthful too: Yay!

What would you give to have your Youth Back?

Some people would literally give up their souls, but don’t worry. We won’t ask you for that here. You can look younger, feel better, and enjoy life all because scientists have discovered Uuth, and they want to share this amazing product!

You will NOT only start to look younger, but you can get that vigorous feeling of your youth back as well! Life is no fun when we feel “old,” but thanks to the wonderful science of bio hacking now we don’t have to. We can feel young even as we age.

As we age our bodies wear out, and we not only start to look differently, but feel differently as well. Some people start noticing these changes as young as 30 years old, or maybe even in their late 20s. Thankfully, now we have Biohacking to Fuel the Body systems so we can look and feel young again! Scientists have used their creative abilities to come up with Uuth to help with just that. Yes, yes, I know we can NOT literally make ourselves be a younger age again; however, we can do things to help us have more strength, energy, and stamina even as we age. We don’t have to keep saying “Getting old sucks” thanks to this amazing Biohacking treasure.

Looking Good and Keeping Well

Want to look your best? Of course you do. It is human nature, right? Not that I am promoting dishonesty here, but maybe, just maybe, it would feel great to have someone who doesn’t know you guess your age and be WRONG-in the “younger” direction. This product can help you look younger all over. It will help with your Hair, Skin, and Nails in more ways than just looks though too. We owe it to ourselves to take care of these body parts even though we often don’t think about what they do for us.

Here is a list of of just some of the reasons Hair, Nails, and Skin are important.

  1. The Purpose of Hair and Nails
    • Protection over sensitive areas of the body, like the head, fingers, and toes
    • Filters to keep the body warm
    • Assist with Sensation
    • Enhancement of Fine Motor Skills
  2. Our Skin is a Vital Organ, Here’s why…
    • Prevents moisture loss
    • Protects all of our other organs
    • Helps regulate our body temperature
    • Reduces UV radiation effects
    • Provides us with important sensory input (detects if something is too hot, too cold, or painful, etc.)
    • And so Much More

Looking Good is Great, but how about feeling better? And chances are the younger you feel, the better you will feel

We all know that “looks aren’t everything.” Biohacking to Fuel the Body Systems has incredible benefits. Looking good from Uuth is a Plus, but that is NOT the only plus. With this amazing treasure you can also feel younger, and it isn’t just the psychological effects of how you look. Sure, that does help, but it is So Much more than that!!!

Did you know that our bodies stop producing or start producing a lot less important things when we are still in our early 20s? Collagen is just one of these, but it is definitely important. It is like a glue that holds our bones and ligaments together as well as help with circulation. Studies have also shown that collagen can help with reducing wrinkles, prevent skin dryness, and strengthen skin elasticity. Collagen is just one of the awesome treasures used in Uuth. Scientists have found a way to properly mix ingredients like Collagen, S7, and even more natural treasures to create just the right product for us to experience Youth again.

Zlem will help you get a Good Night’s sleep and lose weight at the same time!

Who else can relate to NOT sleeping well? I know I sure can. For years and years I felt like a drone during the day. After a sleep study it was discovered that I have severe sleep apnea. And using a CPAP machine helps ALOT. But guess what, it still isn’t all “roses” and sweet dreams. There are multiple factors that can affect our sleep. Speaking from experience here I can tell you that not getting enough adequate sleep is a real life “nightmare.” Yes, pun intended there.

Our scientists have found a way to help you get a good night’s sleep while you lose unwanted pounds. This is working for countless numbers of people so get yours today!

It doesn’t happen often, but Zlem is a product that scientists have been able to create which helps you get a good night’s rest, yet at the same time creates what your body needs to burn “bad” fat and get us back on track with losing that weight. Zlem produces exercise factors so in lament’s terms you get the benefits of exercising while you are actually sleeping peacefully without tossing and turning.

A “Functioning” Scatterbrain due to lack of sleep…..

Have you ever felt like a drone just “going through the motions?” Yes, for several years that was me. And to this day I do NOT know how I functioned before I was diagnosed and treated for sleep apnea. Unfortunately though, things still are NOT hunky dory for me, but they are much better than they used to be.

Somehow I “functioned.” But I can’t figure out how. I literally sometimes would do the silliest things. Like putting the TV remote in the refrigerator. Or forgetting to drain the noodles before adding the other ingredients to the macaroni and cheese. And there were several times even during the day that I probably should NOT have been driving. But, shh, don’t tell anyone. Anyway, take that smirk off your face now cuz I know some of you have had similar experiences.

You know that kind of tingling feeling like when your foot (or some other body part) “falls asleep.” Well, imagine, in a way, your eyes doing it. Some of you don’t have to imagine because you know what I mean. And some of you have no idea what I am talking about. And that is okay because we don’t all have the same experiences in life. Because I am sort of talking about kind of “nodding off,” but not really. When this happens to me during the day, I am awake, and fully aware of my surroundings. But it takes every once of my energy to keep my eyes open. It is not necessarily a feeling of “wanting to go back to sleep” always. Sometimes, it is just my eyes want to close and “rest.” This isn’t a “I want to daydream” and enjoy my other senses type of experience either. It is a “I am awake, but can’t function because my eyes want to go to sleep” experience.

But In such a State is One Really fully Aware of Their Surroundings

My closest friends and family members used to jokingly tell me I would “make a great detective.” Why? Because if you put something in front of my face, I often wouldn’t see it. Who else has lost their car keys or cell phone more than once? Only to discover it was right where you knew you had put it all along. Perhaps even right in front of your face. Or maybe even in your hand.

This is my first time writing about some of these “embarrassing” experiences publicly. You see, I used to believe the lies that I was just “nonobservant”, “naïve”, or “kind of a cook”, as in “not all there.” Ok, the truth is I often was “NOT all There.” But there are fixes to it. And of those fixes is more than just proper diet and exercise. Because believe me I tried that. I did not and do not have to stay in the “I am NOT all there state! Zlem is a solution that brings about positive change. So we can have a good night’s sleep while burning the bad fat that is also negatively affecting our rest. And then gain true energy and stamina to focus on the things that matter when we’re awake!

Humor is great, but Really NOT sleeping well is NO LAUGHING MATTER. And it can lead to dangerous consequences.

Thankfully I have never fallen asleep at the wheel. But there have been times when I have done stupid things driving “while awake, but in a drone like state.” I can only attribute this to sleep deprivation and I know it is by the grace of God that I have not been in an accident in the past due to this. So here are some serious consequences to being Awake, but not alert because sleep the night before was NOT proper;

  1. As mentioned above, more likely to be involved in or even cause an automobile accident
  2. Forgetfulness, ever forget an extremely important meeting? Or that your kid had a club you signed them up for?
  3. Health complications
    • Not getting a good night’s sleep can lead to problems with other body systems
    • neurological and nervous system issues, including stroke
    • heart problems
    • high blood pressure
    • kidney problems
    • mood disorders and more
  4. weight gain
  5. stress and relational problems
  6. and as I also pointed out above, impaired performance (sometimes people might think one is a “functioning alcoholic”, but that person maybe as I was, is actually a “functioning yet severely sleep deprived” individual.

So we know the importance of getting a good night’s Sleep, But with Zlem Life Can Get Even Better! How would you like to lose weight while you sleep? Because now you can!

This incredibly phenomenal product has all kinds of advantages. It can help you get proper sleep so you feel refreshed and ready to face the day in the morning. But one of my favorites is this: Lose weight while you sleep! And I know you are thinking “That can’t be possible.” Well, with the right combination of ingredients it now is! These biohacking scientists figured out how to put the proper balance together in Zlem.

So Start Feeling Awake during the day again, get back your energy, and lose the “Bad Fat” that is literally weighing you down by going here today!

So Now That you Know There are Simple Solutions to some of Life’s Greatest Challenges of Keeping Oneself fully Healthy, What are You Going to do about it?

Now you are aware of these amazing BioHacking to Fuel the Body products. Many problems and issues have been mentioned above. My recommendation if you are NOT quite able to try everything would be to get one or two of the products that you feel would benefit you the most right now! And know that we also have opportunities to help you get all these benefits and more!

We love to share our treasures with everyone we can, so be sure to Contact Us! And we will add you into our Awesome Online Community with exuberant Joy! Check Out How to Contact Us Here: